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Honey home remedies

“Your Lord inspired the bee saying: ‘Set up hives in the mountains and in the trees and in the trellises that people put up, Then suck the juice of every kind of fruit and keep treading the ways of your Lord, which have been made easy. There comes forth from their bellies a drink varied in colours, wherein there is healing for men. Verily there is a sing in this for those who reflect.” (Surah Nahl 16:68-69)

Headache: There are many kinds of headaches, some are sever and persistent, consult a qualified practitioner, after ruling out all serious conditions, you could try these remedies:
•Dry some leaves of the lime tree, make a fine powder, combine 1 teaspoon of the powder to 1 teaspoon honey. Eat twice a day.

•Extract 2 teaspoons fresh juice of fenugreek leaves, mix wit 1 teaspoon honey. Take once or twice a day.
Cold and Flues: Honey is a expectorant that promotes mucus membrane secretions.
•Combine juice of ½ a lemon with 2-3 teaspoons honey. Take 3-4 a day.
•Add a tablespoon each on honey and fresh ginger juice to a glass of hot water, drink 3-4 a day.
•Break a piece of cinnamon bark into small pieces. Boil for 10-15 minutes in 1½ cups of water. Strain sweeten with honey and drink twice a day.
•Cut a piece of ginger approximately 30cm long into small pieces and boil in a cup of water. Strain, add a tablespoon of honey and take once or twice daily. This remedy is also excellent for children to prevent them from catching a cold in winter.

Dental Care: Honey is used for dental care.
•Brushing ones teeth with pure honey whitens them, and when used as mouthwash, it strengthens the gums and eliminates gum diseases. Similarly, massaging them with honey cleanses and strengthens them.
•For bleeding gums and sores, massage gently with honey, using the forefinger.
•Gargling with a mixture of honey and apple cider vinegar is excellent for strengthening the gums and teeth. It also removes stains and odour.
•For loose teeth, mix 3 tablespoons of honey, 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar and a pinch of alum. Heat on low temperature. Remove from heat source when mixture has thickened. Massage mixture on the teeth daily morning and evening.
•For teeth that break easily. Mix a teaspoon of alum powder with a teaspoon of honey and massage the teeth and gums several times a day. Use the forefinger to massage.
Sore Throat: Some causes of sore throat are excessive smoking, talking loudly, and overusing the voice:
•Boil ½ teaspoon of finely powered cinnamon and ¼ teaspoon of fine black pepper in a cup of water. Sweeten with honey and drink twice or thrice daily.
•Mix a tablespoon of limejuice with a tablespoon of honey. Store in a jar and lick small amount frequently.
•For throat infection, boil approximately 1¼ cups milk together with 2-3 whole peppercorns and some turmeric. Remove from heat sweeten with honey and drink twice daily.
Coughs: Honey is a constituent of many cough mixtures:
•Add a tablespoon each of poppy seeds, cow’s milk and honey to a glass of coconut milk mix well. Take every night before going to bed.
•For a cough that is productive boil these ingredients in 1¼ cups of water for about 5-7 minutes: ½ teaspoon dried ginger powder. ¼ teaspoon powdered cloves and ¼ teaspoon cinnamon powder. Strain, sweeten with honey and drink twice or thrice daily.
•For a dry cough, boil 1¼ cup milk, add a teaspoon of turmeric powder, sweeten with honey, and drink twice a day.

Asthma: Together with medical therapy, you could try any of these remedies:
•Combine equal parts of honey, ginger extract and pomegranate juice. Mix well, take about 2-3 teaspoons twice a day for mild attacks, in sever cases take a tablespoon at intervals of 3 hours.
•Mix some honey in boiling water and inhale steam.
•Grind the root of the bitter goud plant to paste, combine a teaspoon of honey and take twice a day.


Memory: To improve or strengthen the memory:
•Mix 2 pinches of cinnamon powder to a teaspoon of honey eat daily.
•Combine ½ teaspoon of powdered black cumin (Kalonji) with 4-5 tablespoons, store in jar, eat ¼ teaspoon daily.
•Massage almond oil well into the scalp before sleeping, put 2-3 drops into each ear, sniff the oil, together with this add a tablespoon of the oil to a warm cup of milk sweeten with honey, drink daily.
Anemia: Honey is strongly recommended for building new blood and increasing the red corpuscles, honey combined with a certain substances is excellent in curing anemia:
•Eat honey with papaya regularly.
•Cut a banana into small pieces, drizzle with honey and eat once or twice daily.
•Dissolve ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a cup of pomegranate juice, sweeten with 2 tablespoons honey, and take twice daily.
•Sesame seeds or the powdered sunflower seeds eaten with honey is excellent, all 3 items are a rich source or iron.

Blood Cleansing: Hakims have used honey for centuries as a blood cleanser:
•2 tablespoons of honey in hot milk before bedtime.
•2 tablespoons of honey combined with a mashed banana, eat once or twice daily.
Rasulullah (SAW) said: “Honey is a remedy for every illness and the Qur’an is a remedy for all illness of the mind, therefore I recommend to you both remedies, the Qur’an and honey.” (Al-Bukhari)

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