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Isis vs Sisi : Egypt army loses hundreds in Sheikh Zuweid/ Al Arish Battle

Isis vs Sisi : Egypt army loses hundreds in Sheikh Zuweid/ Al Arish Battle


By Ejaz Khan


Nader Imran, Freedom and Justice Party Spokesperson chatted with Radio Islam’s Mufti Moosagie on Egypt’s battles close to Rafah Border.


“It was shocking what happened in Sheikh Zuweid ,We are putting all responsibility on the coup regime as hundreds of Egyptian soldiers were killed yesterday”


This is the North east Sinai , is the border between Rafah and Gaza strip in Palestine, there is an 80 km of borderline


On why this area seems to be a hotbed of tension in recent times:


“This was always a Hot point for Egyptian coup regime as they had destroyed most of the homes in the area…Reports are saying it is Isis, but it is not yet clear.”


Did the fighters take Sheikh Zuweid and Al Arish:


They did not control Al Arish,  but they do have  anti-aircraft weaponry which shows they have strong artillery and arms”


What will happen if Sisi fights back:


“As long as Egyptian military engages, they will not reach impasse, it will only escalate.

This regime is controlling Egypt by fire.  So fire will be returned.”


Will Isis really attack Hamas instead of Israel, as their latest video shows?


“Regardless, Hamas is a very mature political movement and they will not be dragged into confrontation with Daesh, there only focus is on fighting the illegal occupation, and that is their concern.”






Prime Spot!!!


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