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Keeping Kids Fit And Healthy

Rabia Mayet |

22 January 2025

6-minute read

The food we eat and the way we move contribute greatly to our overall health and energy levels. For kids, their wellbeing needs to be taken care of by their parents and this can only be achieved when a parent is equipped with the knowledge of how to raise healthy children.

Faaiza Laher, a registered dietician, says that while “we all want to give our kids the best start to the year and the day,” this cannot be done without correct nutrition.

The importance of breakfast should not be understated. School-going kids need to be “awake and alert” but calm and not “over-revving their engines”. It is no secret that spiking up blood-sugar levels hinders a child’s metabolism. To give a child an energetic start to the day, parents should prioritise whole, unprocessed foods with more fibre and protein, because stable sugars equate a stable mood. An energy crash is inevitable after a blood-sugar spike which releases cortisol into the bloodstream and causes brain fog and a feeling of being “hangry”. Eating high-sugar foods for breakfast or not eating breakfast altogether promotes binge-eating and causes constant cycles of fatigue and temporary highs where the body breaks down muscle for energy. Scrambled eggs on toast; oats or muesli with yoghurt; omelettes; smoothies; and wholegrain toasts are all great breakfast options.

Faaiza mentioned that children who are picky eaters turn into adults who a picky eaters, so we should teach kids “why we eat the way we eat” and have conversations with them about nutrition and healthy food choices on a continuous basis.

Teenagers also need to be guided to make the right food choices. Parents should not “take their foot off the pedal” with their teens but should focus on establishing habits for life. Offer them more protein and fibre before they leave for school in the morning so that they can have sustained energy and can overcome feelings of anxiety. Expose them to a variety of healthier options and approach the school tuckshop to provide better food choices for learners.

Nutritious lunchbox options include toasted sandwiches with chicken mayo, avo and cottage cheese, tuna, veg, pastrami, raw veggie sticks, salads, olives and cheese. Foods like energy bars and drinks should be avoided except occasionally or for kids who play a lot of sports.

Faaiza shared the following tips for healthier lunchboxes:

  • Pack a nutritious lunchbox “in line with healthier choices”.
  • Make a transition from white bread to more healthier breads like high-fibre bread, wholewheat bread, or Best of Both.
  • Build on healthy lunchboxes.
  • Include treats occasionally in smaller containers.
  • Get younger kids involved in packing their lunchboxes.
  • Include energy bars and breakfast bars for older kids only when needed.

Water is also important for all ages. Water plays an essential role in maintaining overall health and wellness as it supports digestion, assists brain health, supports physical performance, acts as a lubricant, and contributes to higher energy levels. Juices should be diluted in a 1:4 concentration. For children who hate drinking water, cordials can be added in small quantities, just to flavour the water. Put drinks in an insulated bottle to keep them cool and encourage kids to stay hydrated.

Another essential to building up our children’s health and immunity is exercise and movement. “Giving our kids the right skills to live their lives” is what it’s all about when it comes to fitness and exercise in kids, says Sadiya Jooma, a fitness trainer and wellness coach.

The benefits of regular exercise are:

  • Healthy weight
  • Good heart and lung health
  • Good brain health
  • Good movement skills
  • Cardio-metabolic health
  • Better hormonal health
  • Long-term awareness that will last the rest of their lives
  • Muscle and bone healt
  • Better posture to avoid developing a “gamers spine”.

While safety may be an excuse for most people in this country, Sadiya says: “make a plan”. Access safe public spaces regularly, make a space in your home for fitness, and if you have a garden, make use of it for outdoor activities.

Kids who are fit and healthy have a better cognitive function to learn, think, and remember. Exercise improves memory, trains logic and reasoning ability, increases visual and auditory processing, and increases processing speed.

“We are not created to be idle” says Sadiya so we should be making exercise a part of our kids’ lives by:

  • Stopping the laziness
  • Keeping the benefits of exercise foremost
  • Making it “special time” with the kids
  • Creating positive feelings around fitness
  • Getting kids involved in sports that they are interested in or good at
  • Trying a stretch class with your kids, and
  • Creating space at home to get physical with the family

Parents need to establish a life balance for their children and know how much is too much. If you allow your child 20 minutes of screen time, your child needs 20 minutes of exercise and movement. The baseline minimum exercise for children is 20 minutes to an hour per day.

Good nutrition and sufficient exercise and movement are essential for kids to get through the day.

Listen to both interviews with Faaiza Munchi on New Horizons.


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