courtesy of Apa Katija Ebrahim “Ramadan Delights”
- 1 cup cubed polony
- 1 cups cubed green peppers
- 1 cup grated cheese
- ½ cup chopped Gherkins
- ½ cup cubed pineapple (optional)
- 2 Tbsp cake flour
- 4 eggs
- 1 tsp salt
- ½ tsp fine black pepper
- Pounded green chillies to taste
Mix the polony, peppers, cheese, tomatoes, gherkins, pineapples and flour together in dish. Beat the eggs the spices separately then add to the polony mixture and stir until well combined. Spoon into well greased non-stick muffin pans and bake in a moderate oven until liquid has set and the quiche feels firm to the touch.
Variation: Substitute the polony with cooked chicken for a difference.