Pic: Health Fitness
Faizel Patel – 16/10/2020
Esteemed Islamic scholar Ml Sulaiman Moola says people rarely reflect on the advices of the Sahaba (RA) when they seek inspiration, motivation and even a solution when grappling with a problem.
Ml Moola was rendering a dose of naseeha during his weekly Spiritual Ladder series to spur the Ummah to turn to the books hadith which are brief, comprehensive and voluminous detailing the advises of the noble companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Ml Moola narrated an interaction between Abdullah ibn Abbas (RA) and Ali (RA) about the triviality of this temporary abode.
“Oh ibn Abbas, this world is to trivial to warrant your sadness and your depression. Let your spiritual accomplishments bring happiness to you and let your sadness revolve around your spiritual setbacks.”
Ml Moola says Nabi (SAW) gave pertinent advices on maintaining spirituality.
“The Prophet (SAW) says if you want to monitor your faith and your imaan, than this is the yardstick and this is the thermometer. If your spiritual accomplishments make you happy and your sins make you sad and depressed, than you are a believer.”
Ml Moola emphasized that this world is transitory, mundane and a passing phase and does not justify and warrant your tears and your pain and let the primary focus of your life be preparation for after death.
Listen to the naseeha by Ml Sulaiman Moola