Faizel Patel – 09/10/2020
Esteemed Islamic scholar Ml Sulaiman Moola has emphasised on making the best use of time to strive for among many aspirations including good moral values, being punctual with salaah and seeking forgiveness from people among many other beautiful traits in Islam.
Ml Moola was rendering some advices during his Spiritual Ladder series.
Sadly, in today’s times, the character of man has descended into moral decay, which are contrary to the beautiful examples portrayed by the greatest human to have ever set foot on this earth, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Ml Moola says while procrastination has become the thief of time as depicted by the English proverb, people should “carp diem” and make the best use of the time that Allah has provided them with.
“The devil has no problem with our good intentions as long as it is for tomorrow. But, if you effect the change now, that’s when the devil trembles in his boots. In English they say: ‘Those who spend today lamenting yesterday will spent tomorrow lamenting today.”
Ml Moola has stressed the message of his advices to the Muslim community urging them not to delay when making an intention to carry out a task, seek forgiveness or reach for a goal because they may never be a tomorrow.
Listen to the advices by Ml Sulaiman Moola.