Faizel Patel – 25/03/2021
Esteemed and renowned Islamic scholar Ml Sulaiman Moola says we live in a world where there is a plethora of knowledge but a lack of information.
Ml Moola was sharing advices about being respectful in the company or learned or knowledgeable people including esteemed Ulama.
Ml Moola says knowledge is the gateway to paradise and not information.
“Information can be downloaded by the press of a button, can be transmitted by an individual who you are unaware of his name leave alone the other details of that teacher, professor or lecturer. But when it comes to knowledge, than you need to be respectful to your teacher. It requires a certain protocol for you to acquire that knowledge.”
Ml Moola says when sitting in the company of learned elders, erudite scholars and parents, observe silence, have humility and Insha’Allah will bless us with some knowledge.
Listen to the naseeha by Ml Suliaman Moola