Potato:Potato for dark circles:Dark circles around the eyes can be reduced by applying raw potato juice.Potato as skin...
Natural hair care tips, solutions and remedies Articles
Beauty tips for beautiful hands
When you hear about wrinkles and skin aging, your first thoughts are about face and neck. But the earliest signs of...
Beauty tips for winter
Winter comes and rings the message of buying peanuts that would be cracked beside the fireplace. Getting cloaked in...
Natural feet care during winter
Cracked heels, dry feet, and flaky skin on your toes can make walking uncomfortable. These foot problems also can make...
Home made skin care recipes for winter
Winter skincare can be a challenge for many individuals. The cold blistery air can cause cracking, redness and dryness...
Tips to get rid of blackheads
Blackheads are black or yellowish bumps that appear on the skin, and they're caused by excess oils that collect in...
Home made remedies for pigmentation
Here are some of easy-to-do whitening packs that you can do at home to help lighten your skin tone:1. Mix 1 tsp of...
Beauty tips and cures with cucumber
The Prophet (S.A.W) used to combine dates with bread sometimes. At other times he mixed ripe dates with cucumber, or...
Beauty recipes for hair and skin
Often the most effective ways to treat dry skin is using natural ingredients and remedies. Did you know that remedies...
Easy ways to ways remove blackheads
If your blackheads are soft, try applying potato skin .You can just rub the Potato skin and leave to dry. It...