• Hadeeth
    Wednesday, 7:15 am - 7:30 am
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Objectives of the Maktab

Today, we will continue discussing the other 5 objectives of the Maktab

3) Instilling the Love of Allah ﷻ

Instilling the ‘Love of Allah ﷻ’ is one key objective of the Maktab System. The minimum is the spark needs to be ignited of this Love of Allah ﷻ where the students start to appreciate the power of Allah Ta’ala and the blessings they are being showered by Allah ﷻ. Also, multiple seeds of this love should be planted at this time so they grow and nurture when the time is right.

This high level objective has some sub-level objectives. Instilling these sub-level objectives will feed into acquiring and instilling this high level objective of the ‘Love of Allah ﷻ’.

They include but is not limited to these areas:

  1. Beliefs related to Allah ﷻ
  2. Holy Quran
  3. Salah
  4. 99 Beautiful Names of Allah ﷻ
  5. Gratitude Practices
  6. Power of Allah ﷻ
  7. Dua

4) Instilling the Love of Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

Instilling the ‘Love of Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is one key objective of the Maktab System. The objective here is to rekindle this Love of Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ where the students start to appreciate and respect the greatness and reverence of this great Prophet of Allah ﷻ. Also, the students start to feel the love, compassion and mercy that this great Prophet of Allah ﷻ had for them and also the countless blessings they are receiving as a result of believing and following this great Prophet of Allah ﷻ. Also, multiple seeds of this love should be planted at this time so they grow and nurture when the time is right.

It is important that we focus on these areas:

  1. Beliefs related to the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
  2. Prophetic Sayings (Hadeeth)
  3. Prophetic Practices
  4. Prophetic Supplications
  5. Prophetic Character
  6. Prophetic Life
  7. Companions of the Holy Prophet ﷺ

5) Equipping Adequate & Holistic Islamic Knowledge and Current World Knowledge

This objective is about equipping the students with adequate Islamic knowledge in all aspects of the Deen that serves as a solid foundation that can help them navigate life. This is also one key objective of the Maktab System.

Also included alongside the teaching of Islamic knowledge, is to teach the students the necessary knowledge about the current era, climate and situation they are living in as that is what they will face and encounter when they enter the real world.

The students need to be made aware of the challenges they will face both at a personal and Deeni levels and provide guidance and practical steps on tackling and navigating these challenges.

This high level objective has two parts:

  • The first part is to equip the students with adequate knowledge in all the key aspects of the five branches of the Deen (beliefs, worship, financial transactions, social conduct / interactions, Tazkiyah).
  • The second part is to equip the students with the necessary knowledge about the world and the skills and knowledge they will need to navigate their life in terms of protecting their Deen in this challenging world.

6) Exhibiting of Islamic Behaviours & Practices

By the time the students are completing their Maktab curriculum they need to be exhibiting Islamic behaviours and practices from within. Their inner is motivating them to practice the Deen. This is one key objective of the Maktab System.

By the end of the Maktab journey the mindset of these children need to have become Islamic and their frame of reference for everything in life needs to be focused around Islam and Islamic teachings. Islam is what these students should turn to seek guidance and to navigate around the challenges of life.

7) Building Sense of Muslim Ummah Belonging & Developing General Humanity

Instilling this ‘Sense of Belonging to the Muslim Ummah’ is also one key objective of the Maktab System. This will help direct focus on how these students will view themselves and how they will act in the future when it comes to collective interests of the Muslims (local, national or international level). The goal is they will always keep the interests of the Muslim Ummah before everything else. Also, this objective will help the students to build bridges with Muslims from all over the world; to always think of this global Muslim family they have and the desire to support and pray for them in whatever capacity they can.


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