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    Saturday, 9:05 pm - 10:00 pm
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Preparation for Ramadhan

The Regard for Ramadhan in the Sight of Allah Ta’ala

Great importance is displayed from the side of Allah for the blessed month of Ramadhan. Nabi Kareem ﷺ has also elucidated its worth in various ways to the ummah.

Its importance in the sight of Allah is understood from the following Hadith of Nabi ﷺ

“Jannah is beautified and adorned from one Ramadhan to the next in anticipation of the blessed month of Ramadhan.”
I.e. from the completion of one Ramadhan up to the commencement of the next Ramadhan, for a full eleven months, Jannah is beautified for the coming Ramadhan.

As is already evident, which bounty and adornment of Allah Ta’ala is not found in Jannah?
ولكم فيها ما تشتىه انفسكم ولكم فيها ما تدعون
“And therein will be for you whatever your heart desires and all that you ask for.”

And such things are found therein which a Hadith describes as:
ما لا عني رات و لا اذن سمعت ولا خطر على قلب بشر
“That which no eye has seen, nor has any ear heard of, nor has it crossed the imagination of any person.”

Despite Jannah being beautified and adorned from before, Allah further enhances its beauty and adornment. We are able to gauge from this the regard for the blessed month of Ramadhan in the sight of Allah.

Apart from this the doors of Jannah are opened and the shayaateen (devils) are chained.
In short, all this regard is displayed from the side of Allah Ta’ala. We understand from this that Allah desires the following in this month:-

“My servants detach themselves from all things and turn their attention to Me.”
It is for this very reason that all such things are divinely removed which pose as obstacles in achieving this. Shaytaan poses a threat. Thus, it is mentioned in a Hadith that the shayaateen are imprisoned and their legs are chained. Ones carnal self poses as a threat. Thus, Allah has prescribed fasting. In fasting one remains hungry and thirsty, and owing to taraweeh salaah at night one is required to remain awake. By fasting ones beastly instincts are restrained and effort is made to bring it under control and in addition to this, devilish instincts are also controlled. It is mentioned in a Hadith:

“Shaytaan moves and flows within a person just as blood moves and flows within him. Therefore, be careful (of this onslaught of Shaytaan) and block off all his passages (whereby he may influence you) by remaining hungry.”

Just as blood flows throughout one’s body, so too does shaytaan penetrate and negatively influence a person. Nabi ﷺ has exhorted us that we should block all his pathways and channels of movement by remaining hungry. Thus, an attempt is made to remove devilish influences and simultaneously beastly influences are also expelled by virtue of which one is required to remain hungry and thirsty as is the case in training a hunting animal to hunt.

So all such obstacles which hinder a bondsman’s proximity, relationship and attachment with Allah are eliminated. As if Allah Ta’ala desires in these days and in this month that His bondsman is united with Him and that a special relationship and bond is established with Allah.


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