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Preparations Part 3

Around the subject of studying, here are a few core beliefs (And they are NOT random quotes):

•           Don’t just study to clear an exam. Study to learn and empower yourself with knowledge.

•           Rely heavily on the power of Duaa for exams.

•           Tell your mind there’s no end to learning. When you think you have learned it all, you have stopped growing.

•           Study smarter AND harder.

•           Observe. Listen. Absorb. Apply. Fail. Repeat. And you will surely Learn it.


So today we`re focusing on some tips during the exams.

  • Have up-to-date course notes. If you don’t, ask your teachers or fellow colleagues for the latest versions. Imagine studying so hard but you don’t have the right notes or you don’t have the complete set.
  • Practise assessments and examination papers.
  • Know what is required for each achievement standard.
  • Check the time and place for the exam.
  • Do not cram at the last minute.
  • Check that you have all you need for the exams. Don’t forget your equipment e.g. pens. pencils, calculators etc. Take out all required material well in advance.
  • Put your equipment in a clear plastic bag the night before.
  • Get a good night’s sleep.
  • Eat before the exam but not junk food.
  • Avoid people who make you feel nervous.
  • Stay calm and confident. Breathe deeply.
  • Be early for the exam. Allow time for traffic jams etc.
  • Avoid unnecessary talking outside the exam hall before the exam. It’s too late to do anything now and listening to others about what they have revised, or not, might just damage your confidence.
  • Take spare pens/pencils
  • Choose a good place to sit during the exam, if you can. Keep your back straight, and sit on

the chair in a healthy manner.

  • Have confidence in yourself.
  • Begin with the name of Allah.
  • Write clearly – the examiner cannot mark what they cannot read! Leave a line space between your main points/ paragraph to help the examiner mark your work.
  • Look over the exam first. Studies advise spending 10% of the exam time in reading the questions carefully, noting the important words and dividing one’s time between the questions.
  • Answer the easy questions first, then the difficult ones. Whilst reading the questions, write notes and ideas which you can use in your answers later.
  • Answer questions according to importance. Start by answering the easy questions which you know.
  • Do not spend too long on each question. If you have extra time at the end return to the question.
  • Cross out mistakes with a single line.
  • Don’t leave any questions unanswered and never omit an entire question.
  • Use diagrams to support your answer. Label clearly.
  • Read questions twice. Circle/Highlight key terms.
  • Do not bulk up an answer. Keep it to the point!
  • Proof read answers. Ask yourself – Have I written a complete answer? Have I answered the

question that was asked?

  • Match the length of your answer to the space provided.
  • Watch out for plurals in questions. For example, ‘Name features of graphs’ means that you

are required to write at least two features.

  • Label extra pages clearly and attach them to your exam booklet.
  • REMEMBER: Your obligations to Allah – Salaah, reading Quran, Dhikr, etc. Don`t miss your Salaah!


Prime Spot!!!


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