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Remedies for gas and gastric problems (22.01.15)

While gas is natural to some extent, if it’s a cause of social discomfort for you, it’s time to take some action to prevent it. When food travels through your digestive tract, it produces energy and waste. But when your digestive system finds certain food difficult to break down, the by-product is gas. So before you call your doctor for advice, check out these natural remedies that can nip the problem

– Take a stroll after you eat.
– Sit upright after you eat.
– Drink beverages that are at room temperature.
– Eat slowly and chew your food.
Garlic is the best way to relieve gas problems. Make it a habit to chew fresh garlic after every meal to avoid flatulence. You can also add garlic, black pepper and cumin seeds to water, boil it, strain it and then drink the concoction thrice a day for optimum results.

Black pepper is another tried and tested home remedy for indigestion and gastric problems. Take half a teaspoon of powdered black pepper and add a small lump of jaggery to it. Eat this mixture every day to fight gas problems. You can also prepare a mix using powdered black pepper, powdered ginger, coriander seeds and mint leaves and have a teaspoon of this mixture every day.

Caraway seeds help in healing gas problems. You can make caraway tea by adding one teaspoon of caraway seeds to a cup of hot water, straining it and drinking it before every meal.

Chewing cloves helps relieve gastric pain. If the taste is too pungent for you, you can use clove oil instead.
Fennel or dill seeds give instant relief from gas. Use these seeds in your stews, rice and to make pickles. Use dill weed (dried dill leaves) as a garnish for sandwiches. Combine dill weed with plain yogurt and chopped cucumber.

Gastric problems can lead to stomach pain and the inability to eat. Drinking lukewarm water will help get rid of gas and restore the fluid levels of the body.
If you are suffering from indigestion, simply mix one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with one teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water and drink it.
This spice is great for boosting digestive health. It helps stimulate the digestive system and reduces gas and bloating. It also helps relieve acidity. Drink cardamom tea to treat headaches caused by indigestion and gas.

If you are experiencing acidity or heartburn, just mix a teaspoon of baking soda with half a cup of water and drink it. Another remedy is to mix lemon juice and baking powder, and once the mixture fizzles to add a cup of water to it and stir it. Drink the mixture to get instant relief from gas and gastric problems.

In a cup, mix one teaspoon of cinnamon powder with milk and honey, stir it well and drink it to get relief from gas and indigestion. You can also drink cinnamon tea to fight gas problems.
Ginger is easily available and is usually added to tea. Ginger tea is a good way to start your day or to pump you up in the evening too. It cures both flatulence and congestion.

Coconut water is one of the best drinks to beat dehydration. Whether you want to replenish your fluid levels after some physical activity or you simply want to beat dehydration caused by conditions like the stomach flu, dysentery, diarrhoea, cholera etc. Coconut water is the best choice.

Take a generous pinch of asafoetida mixed into a glass of warm water. Now mix it properly before drinking it. To get more relief drink it at least 2 – 3 times every day. To use it externally, make a paste of asafoetida by adding a little water. Apply this asafoetida paste on the stomach and leave it to dry for a couple of minutes. This helps you get rid of stomach gas problem. If you do not want to take it directly you can insert a little amount of asafoetida into a ripe banana and consume it two times a day.
Gas problem can be treated in 2 ways using peppermint. Peppermint tea is one solution for stomach gas. To make the peppermint tea, add fresh peppermint leaves in a cup of water and boil them, now let it steep for a couple of minutes. Strain the leaves and add honey for taste. Drink this herbal tea two to three times daily. Chewing some fresh pepper mint leaves helps you get fast relief from gas. Another option is to add two drops of peppermint oil to 1/2 cup of cool water and consuming it 1 – 2 times a day.


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