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Step 4 and 5 towards preparation for Ramadhan

4) Get the tongue into practice.

While preparing for Ramadhan, you must also develop the habit of making dhikr.

In the modern world, we tend to mimic technology by focusing on our minds and bodies’ performances while neglecting the most important side of us – our souls. Yes, we pray 5 times a day and fast every now and then, but we’re so distracted with life that we often fail to stay connected to the core of these worships and to the One whom we worship, Allah.

Dhikr meaning “Remembrance” is the devotional act in Islam in which short Duaas and prayers are recited repeatedly to remember Allah. Dhikr is a very powerful and simple way to worship Allah, which carries many benefits and virtues. Allah Almighty says in Holy Quran:

يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ ٱذْكُرُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ ذِكْرًا كَثِيرًا

“O you who believe! Remember Allah with much remembrance” (Quran 33:41).

Allah has made Islam so easy for the believers that even the shortest Surah’s and phrases can receive the greatest reward. For example, the reward of reciting ‘Alhamdulillah’ is that it will fill the scales on the Day of Judgment with good deeds. As dhikr is so easy and carries great reward, this is a form of worship that we should seek to increase in our daily lives.

Engaging in Dhikr and remembering Allah often, creates an awareness of Allah in us. This is excellent, because when we are conscious of Allah and our heart and soul is aware that Allah is watching us all the time, then we will not sin, and if we are not sinning than Allah is going to be pleased with us, and this is exactly what we desire!

So if we could develop this habit from now, than by the time the month of Ramadhan arrives, your tongue would have fallen into the habit of making tasbeeh and will become a constant source of reward while fasting.


5) Who said lists don’t work?

Make a list of all the duaas that you plan on asking Allah. It sounds silly to think you will be reading your handwritten duaas from paper but that’s not why you are making the list.

Sometimes we forget an important dua and wish we remembered it at a particular time, for eg, during tahajjud prayer.

It will be the month of Ramadhan and we will be fasting, duaas are guaranteed to be accepted, we definitely don’t want to miss out on any important duaas.

A list will come in handy when you start jotting down whatever duaa comes to your mind before Ramadhan. If we can prepare flashcards before an exam, notes before an interview or speech then why not before asking Allah for His blessings?


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