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SWORD Campaign – Story 5

Story of Shenaaz Randeree

At the tender age of 27 my sister Shenaz was diagnosed with hypertension. Little did we know at the time that ten years later, she would have to be rushed to hospital after an extreme bout of sudden severe illness. In the year 2007, heart shattering news had been broken to us- my sister was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease; whose only cure is a renal transplant. Her life had suddenly turned from normal to chaotic. From having to deal with a whole new lifestyle to being divorced at around the same time, her entire world came crashing down. A mother of 4, unable to be with her children at this crucial time in her life. Allah alone knows what loneliness and heartache she had experienced in this difficult time. Initially placed on hemodialysis she had to visit the hospital three times a week for four hours to allow her blood to be cleansed of toxins.  She eventually qualified for home dialysis which requires that she dialysis every 6 hours. This means that she can not simply decide to go out for the day or even go for a holiday without having to worry about dialysing. She now had to worry about little things that we otherwise take for granted. Swimming, for example, is something she was not able to do for fear of infection of the dialysis port.

After a long, arduous road full of ups and downs, from being entirely dependent on her ex husband, she is now a confident, happy and independent person. With the help of Allah, family and close friends she has fought to rise above her illness and tragedies that had befallen her. She now holds down a half day teaching job as well as volunteers to give computer lessons to those more needy. She now is blessed to have two of her children living with her and with the bare minimum, is able to support them.
This is her story:

"In the year 2007, I was diagnosed with kidney failure and was instantly put on dialysis… I felt like my entire world came crashing down around me because in that instant I felt like I had lost everything. I was staying with my mom at that time. Having to cope with my illness I couldn't even think of bringing my children to stay with me. When I think back to that time I realised that I was really blessed with an amazing family. My darling mom, my pillar of strength, she helped me along. Encouraged me to stand on my own two feet. She organised a flat for me and two of my children are staying with me. Shukr to   ??????? ??????????? ?????????? I can now say that I have come a really long way, I  am teaching in the afternoons  and I work part time in the mornings. All this in spite of having to do dialysis 4 times a day. There are some days that depression sets in and those are the days that I sit and supplicate to   ??????? ??????????? ?????????? to grant me the strength to carry on. There have been so many days that I have seen the help of the Almighty. Its truly amazing. My advice to all those who have any type of disability, never give up.   ??????? ??????????? ?????????? is always there for us. Surely with difficulty there is ease"


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