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Discipline in Leadership

In Islam, leadership is not merely a position of authority but a trust and responsibility that demands a high level of ethical conduct and a commitment to justice, compassion, and service. The discipline of leadership in Islam is deeply rooted in the Quran and the...

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Discipline of Attitude

The discipline of attitude in Islam is an essential aspect of a Muslim's character and behaviour, deeply rooted in the teachings of the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. It encompasses the development of a positive, balanced, and principled approach to life and...

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The Discipline of Time

The Discipline of Time

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Discipline Defined

Discipline Defined

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Discipline Defined

Self-Discipline Ah, the age-old quest that your teachers and coaches pushed you to take on: the quest for self- discipline. For many, self-discipline is a shiny goal on the distant horizon — a time when we finally master our messy, imperfect selves. With...

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