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The healthful benefits of epsom salts

Epsom salts are made up of a naturally occurring mineral that is found in water. More properly known as magnesium sulphate, Epsom salts derives its popular name from the town of Epsom, England, where the compound was first distilled from water.

Magnesium, a major component of Epsom Salt, is vital for many bodily functions. Magnesium can be taken internally or you can get the same benefits from taking bath with Epsom salt. In addition to the health benefits there are other uses for Epsom salt.

Did you know, for instance, that soaking a splinter in Epsom salts can release the splinter and help the area to heal? Many people know that Epsom salts work to relax tight muscles, and are found in many bath salt products, but Epsom salts actually have dozens of healthful benefits. Epsom salts – magnesium sulphate – is a natural way to treat skin problems, relax the nervous system, and draw toxins from the body.

This long-time remedy has been useful for almost everything from aching limbs, back pain, healing cuts, muscle strain, colds and congestion, soreness from childbirth, and flushing toxins and heavy metals from the body. The magnesium sulphate of Epsom Salt acts as a muscle relaxant, and by easing muscle pain it helps the body to eliminate harmful substances.

Stress and Epson Salt, stress can drain magnesium, a natural stress reliever from the body. Magnesium is necessary for the body to bind adequate amounts of serotonin, a mood-elevating chemical within the brain that creates a feeling of calm and relaxation.

Soak aching, tired feet in a pan of water with half a cup of Epsom Salt, this will not only make your feet feel better, but they'll smell better too. Epsom Salt neutralize odour and soften skin. Also, soaking a splinter in Epsom Salt can release the splinter and help the area to heal.

Rubbing Epsom Salt directly on the body exfoliates skin and leaves it smooth and silky. You can add essential oils or mix with baby oil. Keep a mixture by the sink if you wash your hands a lot. The combination can help treat dry skin problems.

Bruises, sore or strained muscles and sprained ankles receive relief when soaking in Epsom salts. Epsom salts are safe to use but when applying directly to the skin or hair, rinse well. The next time you're shopping for bath, health or beauty products, pass by the fancy, expensive stuff and try Epsom salts for a blast from the past. Studies show these benefits from the major components of Epsom Salt may:


* Ease stress and improves sleep and Concentration
* Help muscles and nerves function properly
* Regulate activity of 325%2B enzymes
* Help prevent artery hardening and blood clots
* Make Insulin more effective
* Reduce inflammation to relieve pain and muscle cramps
* Improve oxygen use


* Flush Toxins
* Improve absorption of nutrients
* Help form joint Proteins, brain tissue and mucin Proteins
* Help prevent or ease Migraine Headaches


1. Eliminates Toxins from the Body Add two cups of Epsom salt to the water in a bath tub. Soak for 10 minutes at least weekly once. It relaxes your body and muscles, eliminates toxins from the body and reduces the swellings of sprains.

2. Exfoliates Skin
Sprinkle small amount of essential oil to Epsom salt and clean your skin. Or you can rub the Epsom salt directly on the skin to make it smooth and silky. Then rinse thoroughly.

3. Athlete's Foot
Soaking in Epsom salt helps you relieve from athlete's foot.

4. Cleans Bathroom Tiles
Take the mixture of equal parts of Epsom salt and liquid dish detergent and apply on the dirty places in bathroom.

5. As a First Aid
Mix a salt with hot water and apply to get soothing comfort. Warm the mixture of equal amounts of conditioner and Epsom salt for 15 seconds. Apply this mixture through your hair from scalp to end; leave it for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water; you can observe the natural glow in your hair.

6. Removes Foot Odour
Mix half-cup of Epsom salt in warm water and keep your feet for 10 minutes. This soothes achy feet, removes bad odour and softens the rough skin.

7. Keeps your Lawn Pleasant Add 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt to a gallon of water and sprinkle this water on your lawn to keep the grass green.

8. As a Fertilizer for your Houseplants. Sprinkle Epsom salt weekly once to nourish your houseplants, flowers and vegetables.

9. Relieves from Constipation

Dissolve 2 to 3 teaspoons of Epsom salt into a cup of water and drink twice to get relief from constipation.

10. Dislodge Blackheads
Add a teaspoon of Epsom salt and 3 drops iodine. Apply this mixture to the black heads with a cotton ball three times.

11. Prevents Slugs
Sprinkle some Epsom salt on the place where the slugs crawl to prevent their entry.

12. As a Hand Wash
Mix Epsom salt with baby oil and keep by the sink to clean your hands effectively.

13. Regenerates Car Battery
Dissolve an ounce of Epsom salt in warm water; add this mixture to each battery cell to give more life to your car battery.

14. Treats Toenail Fungus
Soak your affected toes in hot water mixed with a palm full of Epsom salt


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