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The mercy of Allah [SWT] descends in abundance on the day of Arafat

By Neelam Rahim

The 9th day of Thul Hijjah is the day of Arafat. On this day, the Hujjaj gather on the mountain plain of Arafat, praying and making dua to Allah [SWT]. Hafez Zubair quotes Hadith, “Hajj is Arafat,” he explains, “This means that Arafat is the sum and substance of Hajj, also viewed by some as the day of gratitude to Allah [SWT] for the great bounties he has bestowed upon us.

“One of the greatest bounties bestowed upon us by Allah [SWT] is the bounty of Imaan, today is also significant as the beautiful Surah 5 verse 3 page 107, which means “This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed my favour upon you and I have approved for you Islam as a religion,” was revealed.

Hafez Zubair says the day of Arafat is spent in dua as The Zohar and Asr salaah are combined in which hujjaj stand before the Maghrib salaah facing the Qiblah and seeking out forgiveness from Allah [SWT].”

Arafat is the day we remember Allah’s forgiveness [SWT].

Hafez Zubair mentions that Nabi Muhammed [SAW] said, “On this day Allah [SWT] descends to the nearest heaven, and he is proud of his servants on the earth and says to those in the heavens, Look at my servants they have come from far and near with the dishevelled hair and faces covered with dust to seek my mercy. Even if their sins are as much as the sand on the earth and froth from the sea I shall forgive them,” says Hafez Ebrahim.

He added that Allah’s [SWT] mercy descends in abundance on this day.



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