Faizel Patel – 12/05/2021
With probably just a few hours left before Ramadan 1442/2021 comes to an end depending on the sighting of the hilaal or moon, the United Ulama Council of South Africa (UUCSA) has issued guidelines to assist the Muslim community in South Africa to avoid any confusion.
In the past there have been numerous debates on whether the moon was or was not sighted in South Africa creating division within many communities.
UUCSA has been observing the moon sighting in South Africa on behalf of Muslims through its affiliate Ulama members.
The organisation says through the guidance of its founder members and pious forebears, South Africans have been enjoying peace and harmony through a unified Eid.
“With the consultations of senior Ulama, only sightings confirmed from within the borders of South Africa are considered.”
UUCSA says in the event of a sighting of the moon, Muslims should contact the Central Hilaal Committee on 083-786-2859 or nearest UUCSA affiliate member to assist in facilitating the necessary Shahaadah (testimony) procedures.