A quick easy meal to put together … perfect light meal for these hot summer days… this recipe can be used either with...
Apple and oat muffins (08.02.18)
I have been trying to incorporate healthy lunches for my boys… decided to bake a batch of healthy muffins to pack in...
Delicious dhodhi/ marrow/ vegetable recipes (01.02.18)
DHODI WITH CHANA DHAL • 1 cup chana dhal boiled and set aside • 1/2 kg chicken fillet • 1onion• 1tsp jeero • 3 tblsp...
Quick and easy delicious sandwich recipes (25.01.18)
FANCY RIBBON SANDWICHES1 loaf unsliced breadSpreadable butter1 cup shredded lettuce1 tomato sliced4 hard boiled...
Quick and easy meals ideal for holiday (07.12.17)
Toasted steak recipe 1/2 kg Steak cut in stripsCook with 1 tsp ginger garlic masala1 tsp salt1 tsp arad2 tsp dry...
A selection of dunking biscuit recipes (16.11.17)
PECAN PUFFS250g butter½ cup icing sugar½ cup maziena1 cup ground pecans1 tsp vanilla essence2 cups flour......
Refreshing summer drink recipes (09.11.17)
ICED TEA RECIPE1 ½ liters water 8 - 10 Lipton peach and mango tea bags 1 cup sugar 1 cup water ½ cup lime cordial...
A variety of sauce recipes used in seafood, pastas, vegetables and more (26.10.17)
CREAMY CORIANDER SAUCE ½ cup cream, ½ cup sour cream ,1 clove garlic , ½ tsp corn flour, 1 tsp water ,1 tblsp fresh...
Delicious milk dessert recipe (19.10.17)
COCONUT TRIFLE½ cup vermicelli finely crushed2 tblsps ghee or butter5 cups milk½ can condense milk1 fresh coconut...
A collection of delicious milkshake recipes (19.10.17)
Classic Vanilla Milkshake 3 scoops vanilla ice cream1-1/2 cups milk1 tablespoon vanilla extract2 teaspoons sugar1...