Mumtaz Moosa | 21 June 2024 | 15:30 CAT 1 min read With the rise of small businesses and home...
Social (opinion) Articles
Discipline of Parenthood
Discipline as a parent in Islam is deeply rooted in the principles of compassion, justice, and respect. The Islamic...
Online Stores – Are they good or bad for small businesses?
Mumtaz Moosa | 9 May 2024 | 09:30 CAT 2 min read In South Africa, we've witnessed the influx of...
Overcontrolling Parents – Junaid Bhayat
Parenting is not easy; each parent has a different parenting style. Parenting comes with no handbook. A controlling parent, also called an authoritative or helicopter parent, poses all kinds of challenges for the child. Radio Islam International spoke to Junaid...
The rights of parents to raise and pass on their beliefs and values to their children
Neelam Rahim | 3-minute read 31 March 2023 | 22:26 CAT Freedom of Religion South Africa’s Executive Director says government must not override the right and responsibility of parents to bring up their children in conformity with their own...
Teenagers hurt themselves to regulate emotions
Nina Bambeni | 28 March 2023 | 12:00 PM CAT 2 min read Self-harm, a growing concern among teenagers, is deliberately inflicting pain and damage to one's body using cutting, burning, scratching, and self-poisoning through medication or substances...
How much free time do you need to be happy?
Hannah Omarjee | 27 March 2023 | 09:00 CAT 2 min read More free time does not always equate to more happiness. Happiness is subjective. What makes one person happy may not have the same effect on another person. There are different versions...
The K word is offensive to all but what about the C word?
Mumtaz Moosa | 23 March 2023 | 14:30 CAT 3 min read The word "coolie” was first used in the 16th century by European traders across Asia. In the 17th century, it was used for day labourers in the Indian subcontinent, referring to hard-working males....
Why Did Silicon Valley Bank Collapse?
Mumtaz Moosa | 15:03:2023 | 10:00 AM CAT 1 min read The bank's name alone would tell us that the bank's businesses were centred on tech start-ups in the United States of America. During the COVID-19 pandemic, banks saw an influx of deposits as tech...
The best foods for healing after injury or surgery
Naseerah Nanabhai | 15:03:2023 | 10:00 AM CAT 2 min read Power foods allow for properly repairing and maintaining tissues, cells, and bones. When you experience any bodily injury or have a medical procedure — from minimally invasive to major...
Nutritional benefits of fish that you need to know about
By Naseerah Nanabhai | 08:03:2023 | 12:45 PM CAT 1 min read Loaded with essential nutrients, such as protein and vitamin D. Fish is considered among the world's healthiest foods. Fish is also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are...
How not to let the doom and gloom affect our mental wellbeing
Ml Muhammad Bham | 27 February 2023 | 8:00 AM CAT 2 min read South Africans have been bombarded by news of a country seen as a sinking ship. Load shedding, the cost of living and the high employment rate are some issues people face. Reading...