Mumtaz Moosa | 5 December 2024 | 17:00 CAT 2 min read As the school term ends, a wave of anxiety...
Mumtaz Moosa | 5 December 2024 | 17:00 CAT 2 min read As the school term ends, a wave of anxiety...
Neelam Rahim | 3-minute read 29 November 2024 | 11:54 CAT As the festive season approaches, so...
Mumtaz Moosa | 14 November 2024 | 10:30 CAT 2 min read As the year draws closer, many of us find...
Neelam Rahim | 2-minute read 14 June 2023 | 20:53 CAT South Africa could be a healthier country. A new study indicates that globally, the country ranks 10th out of 50 countries for unhealthy lifestyle habits. The study by the medical aid...
Mumtaz Moosa | 14 June 2023 | 19:00 CAT 2 min read My father, who had been on a waiting list for what seemed like an eternity, never stopped yearning or gave up hope. Naturally, as his children, we had concerns – his health, age, and many other...
Naseerah Nanabhai | 14 June 2023 | 19:00 CAT 2 min read Friday, 16 June 2023, marks the 47th anniversary of the student uprising in Soweto when brave young men and women protested against using Afrikaans as a medium of instruction in...
Neelam Rahim | 2-minute read 11 June 2023 | 22:27 CAT Have you ever experienced light-headedness or nausea while scrolling through social media or browsing the web? Well, there is a medical reason why you are feeling this way; Radio Islam...
Naseerah Nanabhai | 2 June 2023 | 17:00 CAT 1 min read Over recent years, holistic health has gained popularity among those who prioritise optimal well-being and holistic health centres around the idea that proper health and wellness incorporates...
Mumtaz Moosa | 31 May 2023 | 11:45 CAT 1 min read Johannesburg started as a dusty mining city that has blossomed since 1886 into one of South Africa's most significant cities, named jointly after Johann Friedrich Bernhard Rissik and Christiaan...
Mumtaz Moosa | 24th May 2023 | 17:00 CAT 2 min read With temperatures dropping drastically and loadshedding, people have started to look at economical and cost-effective ways to stay warm during the long winter nights. With loadshedding, some fantastic...
Fahmida Choonara | 23 May 2023 | 18:00 CAT 2 min read Screen time includes watching television, using an iPad, computers, cellphones, gaming etc.; too much of this dramatically affects children and adults. There have been ongoing studies...
Naseerah Nanabhai | 18 May 2023 | 19:00 CAT 2 min read As we go through life, we experience numerous transitions, such as becoming an adult, leaving school and attending university, starting work, getting married or moving houses –...