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Social (opinion) Articles

Discipline of Parenthood

Discipline as a parent in Islam is deeply rooted in the principles of compassion, justice, and respect. The Islamic approach to parenting emphasizes nurturing a child’s moral and spiritual development while guiding them to grow into responsible, ethical, and...

Online Stores – Are they good or bad for small businesses?

Mumtaz Moosa | 9 May 2024 | 09:30 CAT 2 min read In South Africa, we've witnessed the influx of international online giants eyeing the untapped market here. With countless websites emerging and the world literally at our fingertips, concerns arise...

Navigating Eye Floaters: A Guide to Good Eye Health

Neelam Rahim | 3-minute read 05 May 2024 | 18:12 CAT In the vast expanse of our vision, specks sometimes dance, seemingly at random. These are eye floaters, often harmless but occasionally indicative of underlying issues. Understanding their...

Cost-saving tips around the house

Neelam Rahim | 3-minute read 30 April 2024 | 10:06 CAT Earth Day was just a few days ago, prompting us to reflect on reducing our ecological footprint and saving resources where possible. With the soaring costs of living and energy prices, many...