Mumtaz Moosa | 23 November 2022 | 11:45 AM CAT 1 min read The 2022 World Cup, hosted by Qatar, has been...
Social (opinion) Articles

Global survey shows shrinking trust in internet
Neelam Rahim | 2 min read 03 December 2022 | 5:15 pm CAT An international survey has revealed...
What you didn’t know about habits?
Naseerah Nanabhai | 1 min read | 12:30 PM CAT Studies reveal that we spend approximately...
Why you need to shop with a calculator
By Mumtaz Moosa Saley 11:11:2020 Over the past week, there have been numerous posts popping up on Facebook about people who have overcharged at retail stores. Generally, I would bypass this sort of posting, but in the last few weeks, I have been fleeced a total of...
Honey – Healer of Disease
Naseerah Nanabhai 03:11:2020 For thousands of years cultures around the world have used and consumed honey, as both a food and as medication. The sticky amber liquid is a by-product of flower nectar and the upper aero-digestive tract of the honey bee and is known to...
What to do if you have been involved in a fender bender?
By Mumtaz Moosa Saley 03:11:2020 Surprisingly, many people ask on social media about the steps to take when they have been involved in a minor motor vehicle accident. From my experience, I have learnt a few tips and tricks. Let me tell you about one of my recent...
Do You Suffer from Hay Fever? You May be Troubled by “Insneezia”
Faizel Patel – 02/11/2020 (Twitter: @FaizelPatel143) As the warmer temperature encourages the release of pollen in the air, more than 11.4 million hay fever sufferers are losing sleep over a phenomenon known as “insneezia”. Nicole Jennings, spokesperson for Pharma...
Walk, walk, walk . . . to health
By Mumtaz Moosa Saley 28:10:2020 I walked every day for 30 days - this is what happened. We all walk every day, but in the last two years, I never walked to exercise. I have always been that person who would say I don’t have enough time yet spend mindless hours on...
Why we need quality sleep and how to achieve it
Naseerah Nanabhai 27-10-2020 A good night’s sleep is essential for mental and physical health. A lack of adequate sleep leads to decreased cognitive abilities, can weaken focus and cause irritability. Not only do we require an adequate number of hours but also...
Apple Cider Vinegar- Uses and Benefits
Naseerah Nanabhai 22-10-2020 Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has been used for centuries and has a long history as a home remedy. It is made from crushed, distilled and fermented apples. Acetic acid is the active component of apple cider vinegar and is responsible for its...
Life after Divorce
By Naadiya Adams 21:10:2020 Divorce is a painful experience that all societies go through; according to experts, it is becoming more prevalent. The difference, however, is how we, as a society, respond to divorced couples and how we fight the stigma associated with...
Productive Life Coaching: Emotional Intelligence
By Zainub Jada Mental Health & Wellness Coach 21:10:20 Emotional Intelligence We probably all know people, either at work or in our personal lives, who are really good listeners. No matter what kind of situation we're in, they always seem to know just what to say...