12 slices kitke bread 1 cm thick
300g butter, softened
8 large eggs
6 large egg yolks
4 cups cream
875ml milk
333ml light brown sugar
4 Tbsp vanilla extract
75ml ground cinnamon
5ml freshly ground nutmeg
5ml salt
300g pepper dew
Preheat the oven to 165. grease an ovenproof serving dish or 12 darole moulds. Sprinkle chocolate in the bottom of the dish/moulds. Generously butter kitke on 1 side, then cut diagonally in half. Lay slices of bread half side up \, on top of chocolate, overlapping slices. Whisk together the eggs, egg yolks, cream, milk, brown sugar, vanilla. Cinnamon, netmeg and salt. Pour egg mixture over bread, making sure to soak all the slices well. Top with Tbsp piquante pepper marmalade. Place in a water bath with boiling water coming up to the middle of the dish and bake until custard is just set, about 40 to 60 minutes. Serves 12