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Emotional Intelligence

Benefits of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence matters because it touches every part of your life, and it can have many benefits.

Emotional intelligence builds better teamwork

People with higher emotional intelligence communicate better within their team. They are also more open to the ideas of their colleagues. If you hold good emotional intelligence, it allows you to recognize the efforts of your colleagues and their hard work. It also builds a better connection between the team members, by creating shared empathy. You understand your colleagues more in the roles that they do, and the problems that they face.

This will allow you to work with your team better. You will have an understanding of your teammates roles, and what is expected of them. This understanding will also help you get the most out of your role, by knowing exactly how you can help the wider team with your role. This will help you to prioritize your work to get the best results for the team.

Emotional intelligence creates better self-awareness

By becoming more self-aware in your role, you can understand your own strengths and your own weaknesses more. This allows you to be realistic in setting your goals for development. It also ensures that you are more open to feedback, and instead of using it negatively, you use it as an opportunity to grow and to become more effective in your job.

We all require feedback, and our first reaction can be a defensive one. This is a natural reaction, as we sometimes feel we are under attack personally. However, this is not the case. The person offering the feedback is doing so to ensure you get the best out of your career, and that you improve in your role to make the most out of your opportunities. By having high emotional intelligence, your first reaction to constructive feedback will be to take it on board, and be grateful for the chance to improve.

Emotional intelligence builds better working relationships

In developing high emotional intelligence, you are able to read the atmosphere within the team better. You are able to understand the pressures that team members are under, and you will be able to assist them. It also allows you to understand what your team members need, and what sort of work and behavior they like and dislike. This insight into their preferences and their needs is invaluable to building better working relationships with them. This level of emotional intelligence develops better and more valuable relationships with clients and colleagues.

Emotional intelligence creates career longevity

Having high EQ allows you to build great working relationships, understand your role more, and understand how you can benefit your team and wider organization the most. These 3 advantages are crucial in building a rewarding and lengthy career within an organization. Emotional intelligence not only allows you to understand the needs of your colleagues more, but it will also help you see the needs of your organization more.

By bringing new ideas to the table, researching market trends and emerging practices within your sector, you can create more value in the work you do and how much you benefit the wider organization. This will lead to improved career longevity within an organization, and it increases your chances of raises and promotions down the line.

Emotional intelligence creates better social skills

Social skills are important in business. They help you create a good impression on your colleagues and clients. Social skills aren’t being the loudest person in the room, but being the most socially aware. Emotional intelligence allows you to have awareness of other people in the room. This benefits you in the workplace as it allows you to communicate with your colleagues, and to listen to them, making them feel welcome and engaged.

By improving your social skills through emotional intelligence, it will have a positive impact on your career. It will open more opportunities through socializing, and will also help to facilitate more networking opportunities which will help your career down the line.


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