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Remedies used by prophet Muhammed (SAW)

  Our Prophet S.A.W. said: “Allah has not created any disease without also creating a medicine or a remedy for it”. Narrated by Abu Huraira R.A. and Bukhari.

Our Prophet S.A.W. said: “for every disease there is a remedy and when the remedy is made apparent, and then the disease is cured by the permission of Allah Almighty.

Narrated by Jabir, Muslim.

Our Prophet S.A.W. said: “He who has put diseases on the earth, has also put its remedy there”.

Narrated by Abu Huraira, Tirmidi.  


Olive oil has great medicinal value. It's an excellent treatment for skin and hair, delays old age and treats inflammation of the stomach.

It helps with gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Olive oil is an excellent emollient and its external application softens the skin and crusts in eczema and psoriasis.

It is good oil for massage and is an important ingredient of many ointments and plasters.

In one of the Hadith, Prophet Muhammed S.A.W. advised people to use olive oil for food and for massage because it was obtained from a blessed tree.


Grapes are one of the finest natural sources of glucose and fructose, which are present and upto 25%.

Grapes are good stimulant, digestive demulcent.

It increases and purifies the blood in the human body and helps in cases of general debility.

•  Prophet S.A.W. use to have currants – dried grapes soaked in water for him, and that he used to drink it either on that day or the next.

•  The Prophet S.A.W. was very fond of grapes. It purifies the blood and provides vigour and health, strengthens the kidneys and cleanses the bowels.


Pomegranate is a good food and a medicine of great value. It is a tonic for heart patients, highly efficacious in the inflammation of the stomach and effective to check heart pain.

The juice of the fruit is an excellent cooling beverage and allays thirst in diarrhea. It acts as a good medicine for both diarrhea and dysentery.

For many ailments such as colitis, anemia, jaundice, high blood pressure, piles and arthritis.

When given with honey it reduces biliousness.

•  Anas bin Malik R.A. narrated:

The Prophet S.A.W. said” there is not a pomegranate which does not have a pip from one of the pomegranate of the Garden in it”

•  The Prophet S.A.W. also said: “pomegranate will cleanse you of Satan and evil aspirations for 40 days”.


Fig is a highly nutritious fruit. Since it does not contain any fibre, persons recovering from a long illness are specially advised to take it.

Fig fruit is also given as a cur for piles and gout.

In one of the hadiths, Prophet S.A.W. advised patients' suffering from piles to eat figs regularly, for it is a fruit from the garden of paradise.


Dates are reputed for great medicinal value. It is a demulcent, and emollient, a heart stimulant and helps in checking the loss of memory.

It is useful in respiratory disorders in general and asthma in particular.

Dates are an excellent form of laxative. Thus in taking into account of all its constituents and qualities, it can be rated as a wholesome nutritious diet and a health tonic.

•  Prophet S.A.W. had advised people to eat dates regularly for keeping good health.

•  Dates are also very beneficial for pregnant women because they were provided to Hazrat Miriam A.S. when she was in an advanced stage of her pregnancy.

•  Anas bin Malik R.A. narrated:

•  The Prophet S.A.W. said:” don't miss the evening meal, even if it happens to be constituted of a few dates. Missing of evening meals hasten aging.

•  The Prophet S.A.W. said that a house without dates has no food.

•  The Prophet S.A.W. said,” whoever eats seven dates between dawn and dusk, will have no harm come to them”.


Barley was one of the earliest cereals to be cultivated. It can thrive in a very wide range of climate.

Recent researchers have shown that barley grain is easily assimilable; mush easier than wheat or rice. It is because of this quality that physicians recommend its use in the dietary of invalid and convalescents.

It is important to note that in many hadiths, Prophet S.A.W. advised convalescents to eat preparations made of barley.

•  Whenever any of the companions of the Prophet S.A.W. were not well he would order soup, a preparation of barley for them, and he would make them drink the soup.

•  The ProphetS.A.W. Use to say that it would comfort the inner most part of the affected and sickness just as dust is wiped away from the face.

Narrated by Ayesha R.A. and Tirmidi.

•  If the Prophet S.A.W. was ever told someone was off his food, he used to say, “Make for him some Talbina soup and give it to him to eat.”

•  The Prophet S.A.W. said, “Talbina soup fills up to inner parts of a sick man to the brim and drives away sorrow.

Narrated by Ayesha and Bukhari.

Talbina soup is made from barley flour or bran and is often sweetened with honey. It is called Talbina because it looks like milk.


•  The Prophet S.A.W. said, “A household which has vinegar will never suffer from poverty”. (Narrated by Umm, Tirmidhi, Baihaqi)

•  The Prophet S.A.W. said,” Vinegar is a comfort for man.” Narrated by Muslim.

•  The Prophet S.A.W. said, “Allah has put blessing in vinegar, for truly it was used by the Prophets before me.”

Narrated by Ayesha, Muslim and Ibn Maja.



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