½ kg chicken fillet(wash and drain)
1 onion
2 slices bread
Salt to taste
½ tsp black pepper
1tsp jeeru (cumin)
1 tblsp crush garlic
2 tblsp ground almonds
2 tablespoon nestle cream
Ground green chillies to taste
Green dhania (coriander)
2 tblsp butter
Juice of ½ lemon
2 tblsp mayonnaise
Magimix everything together. Form long seekh. Put in a pot with little water and
olive oil and steam.
Sauce method
Boil everything pour sauce over kebabs
Put under hot grill to brown
Serve with roasted sesame potato
Roasted sesame potato
Cut 4 potato into wedge par boil –potatoes that have been
In your Pyrex add 2tblsp olive oil to it add salt and fine red chillies
to taste cut some fresh mint toss potato sprinkle sesame seed
Bake in oven