• Tafseer - Quran Commentary
    Wednesday, 7:30 am - 7:45 am
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Collect fallen leaves from the lawn, the drive way and paving diseased leaves to your compost rather burn or discard them.

Take time to enjoy the last of the autumn foliage and berries.

The frost can be expected at the end of the month. Keep protective material like Hessian handy to cover tender plants, use thick, organic mulch to cover the root area of frost- tender plants, and do not water flower beds in the late afternoon. It is best to water the garden during the morning to give the foliage time to dry of before night falls, to reduce the effects of damage.

Mow and water the lawn when necessary.

Plant seedlings of winter flowering annuals like alyssums, toadrlax, primulas, violas, Virginian stocks and pansies. They will look lovely if interplanted with bulbs that are do to flower in late winter.

You can still plant lilium bulbs in the more temperate regions of the country if you have not done so yet. Plant them at a two-weekly intervals to stagger their flowing period, in well-drained soil enriched withy compost and dug over to a depth of at least 30cm. Plant the lilium bulbs a t a depth of 10cm and mulch with acid compost.

Pinch back snap-dragons to encourage busy growth.

Water planted bulbs regularly to keep them moist at all times, but not soggy. Maintain the mulch over them and start feeding with diluted liquid fertilizer every two weeks once the leaves start to grow.

Repair damaged hanging baskets and water the plants regularly during dry weather.

Snails will be searching for a place to overwinter, so look under containers, loose stepping stones and clumps of perennial plants where they can be found huddled together.


Prime Spot!!!


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