• Your World Today, Mufti Yusuf Moosagie
    Thursday, 4:05 pm - 5:00 pm
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Today Madrassa was thought-provoking; Muallimah spoke about dhikr, something I love to do when I am walking, cooking and especially when I suffer bouts of anxiety. It’ is my way of understanding that Allah is Al-Jaleelu, The Majestic.

Muallimah touched on how Allah does not need us, but we need Allah. Dhikr is to remind us about how majestic and how great Allah is. I was amazed when she explained that when we remembered Allah, He mentioned us by name to the Angels.

Umme and I discussed this; being a Mufti Menk fan, she told me that dhikr should not just be words repeated, but we should learn their meaning. Dhikr made me forget my problems. She went to say that should we be in the company of a person of stature, then we would be very aware of how we spoke, what we said and paying attention. When making dhikr, this is how we should be doing when we proceed. “Is Allah not the highest of Kings, to whom we should give the most respect and importance too?”

So, as a new Muslim, I find that whenever I utter the words of dhikrullah, I find calm and peace within my soul, like an instant soothing coming from the Highest of the High.

During my lesson today, we also discussed Zakah, which is a beautiful concept that, if practised correctly, will eradicate poverty among people. She explained how to calculate the amount of Zakah to be, and the rules applied to particular things, like jewellery, gold and property. She also made mention of the people who were eligible for Zakah. Family first, and then look for those whom you know are deserving within your community or abroad. Fulfil the duty of Zakah in person with a smile for those who accept.

What stood out for me is that she explained that those who receive Zakah should be honoured as they allow us to fulfil an obligation from Allah to complete our Deen. Zakah eases the physical burdens of those less fortunate as it cleanses our sins.

May Allah accept from us all as we discharge our duties, and may He bring ease to those who are less fortunate, oppressed and ill. Aameen.


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