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Sabreen’s Ramadhaan Diary Episode 3


By Mumtaz Saley

I sit on my prayer mat and take a moment for me during Zuhar salaah. Even though I have errands to run and chores to complete, I choose this moment instead to look out my bedroom window at the garden. SubhanAllah, how beautiful are the flowers that grow there.

I remember the day we moved in. Ahmed and I planted seeds as a new beginning and we have watched the seeds blossom into beautiful plants in our garden. I have never noticed just how much some of the plants have grown and how such a tiny seed can produce such beauty, indeed Allah is most magnificent.

I get up and pray two Rakaats salaatul shukr and just thank Allah for the simple pleasures, for the beauty he has bestowed upon us. As I fold my prayer mat I feel a sense of comfort and calmness wash over me and I get on with my day.

Mohammed walks in and I greet him and ask about his day, he goes on about how hungry he is and today was difficult for him as everyone at school brought such delicious smelling lunch. I remind him that he can break his fast if he can’t manage.

“Mum, how can I? I can’t do that I’m not ill, I’m just hungry. How can I break my fast when this is the month for Allah?” I smile and remind him to pray his salaah.

I find him sitting on his prayer mat long after he has prayed and on questioning his intentions, he tells me that he is making istigfaar. That is a good habit to learn and carry out after every Salaah. He adds that he has heard this in a lecture at the mosque. My heart sings with joy as I look at my nine-year-old son giving me Da’wah.

As he is getting ready for madrassa I ask him about his day and what he had learnt. Like all boys, I assume his reply will not be much.

We make our way to madrassa I find myself making dhikr silently as I drive and then again as I am walking through the mall. I meet Aunty Fatima, my neighbour. We exchange pleasantries and she jokingly asks; “So Sabreen, I see that you do own a scarf. Did it fly in for Ramdhaan?” I make an excuse to get out of the conversation.

I’m sure that awful, judgemental question will come up soon by a family member at a family gathering, if not, on social media: “Oh now you holy?” It annoys me as sometimes we are sincerely trying to make a positive change and being put down can really bring your confidence down. But, I remind myself that there are better things to worry about and I continue to make dhikr throughout my day.

Today’s lesson is that I should never allow myself to be annoyed by others. Sometimes it is best to extricate yourself from the situation gracefully instead of becoming angry. Angry words can be destructive and could lead to more sinful deeds.

Our Master, Nabi SAW, always said to speak gently to all, I choose to follow his advice, in sha Allah.


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