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Sabreen’s Ramadhaan Diary Part 1


By Mumtaz Moosa Saley

As Ramadhaan approaches filling our homes with a positive spirit and the sighting of the moon stirs up emotions and brings a charge of positivity, we each look forward to the Barakaah and strengthening of eemaan that blossoms within us.

As we struggle through the endless battles of life, having no time becomes the pitiful excuse we use to hide our procrastination and laziness, sometimes to just lie to ourselves to assuage the guilt.

Every year I make the same promise to myself, every year I tell myself the same lie – it takes thirty days to form a habit, simply because like many, I’m not steadfast enough in seeing things through. As soon as the glorious month ends, I find myself once again, in the battle of sleep versus waking for Fajr, feasting and fasting. So this year I have decided that it will be different and this will be the year I take will take the lessons learnt from the blessed month and implement them into my everyday life. Both the funny as well as the real side of life.

So, I say to myself, “Sabreen, maybe if you document your journey this Ramdhaan, it will help you keep track.”

In the months leading up to this month, we all find that ourselves counting down and when the month is here I usually stare at the calendar, counting down to the end. This year I choose not to as every Ramdhaan is a gift bestowed upon us and with that thought, I start the month with the strongest conviction and a plan;

I jot down my goals.

  1. Complete the Qur’an.
  2. Increase zikr while doing chores.
  3. Prepare my iftaar early so I can make more dua before it’s time to break fast.
  4. Get the kids excited by waking them up for suhoor, even the little one, to instil in them the love for the month.
  5. Set daily reminders for Salaah to pray on time, every time.
  6. Give sadaqaah daily.
  7. Calculate zakaah for the year ahead.
  8. Spend less time on my phone and more time teaching my children about Islam.
  9. Make time for classes to learn new things about Islam.
  10. Take into account my day and make istigfaar where needed.

As I gaze down at my list I realise that these should be part of my daily life yet I fail to do just two in a day. A sense of sadness fills me and with that I make dua to be more steadfast and for a strengthening of my eemaan.

For each day comes a blessing and each day gives us a chance to learn to better ourselves.”



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