• Dawah Program with Sh Samih Jaad
    Sunday, 3:05 pm - 4:00 pm
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Social (opinion) Articles

How do you keep warm during winter?

Mumtaz Moosa | 24th May 2023 | 17:00 CAT 2 min read With temperatures dropping drastically and loadshedding, people have started to look at economical and cost-effective ways to stay warm during the long winter nights.  With loadshedding, some fantastic...

Are you guilty of too much screen time?

Fahmida Choonara | 23 May 2023 | 18:00 CAT 2 min read Screen time includes watching television, using an iPad, computers, cellphones, gaming etc.; too much of this dramatically affects children and adults. There have been ongoing studies...

Navigating life’s changes with ease

Naseerah Nanabhai | 18 May 2023 | 19:00 CAT 2 min read As we go through life, we experience numerous transitions, such as becoming an adult, leaving school and attending university, starting work, getting married or moving houses –...

Study indicates that an overwhelming number of students are suicidal

Neelam Rahim | 3-minute read 17 May 2023 | 16:48 CAT A new study on mental health has shown that almost half of Johannesburg students screened positive for depression. It's a major mental illness that essentially goes undiagnosed. The study put...
Selective Mutism

Selective Mutism

By Naseerah Nanbhai 26:01:2022 Selective mutism, also known as childhood anxiety disorder, is the inability to speak or communicate in specific settings. It can start as early as two years of age, and those who suffer from it may experience significant problems in...

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The balancing act of a student’s life- how to balance the tug of war between academics, extracurriculars and Islamic studies.

The balancing act of a student’s life- how to balance the tug of war between academics, extracurriculars and Islamic studies.

Shakirah Hunter The life of a young person today is filled with so many different focus points, every parent desires to grant their children the very best education. Your desire is that they are well rounded- you would like them to be excellent students – yet at the...

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What to do with your first pay cheque?

What to do with your first pay cheque?

Shakirah Hunter As young people make the transition from student to having a steady job, the excitement of having a steady job can overshadow our common sense. A new job brings with it the desire for more things 0 we want to purchase a new car and all the things that...

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