The Awakening Episode 3: The righteous sultan A man who held the fort and steadied the ship at the Uthamani Khilafah's...
The Awakening Episode 2: Seeds of decline
The Awakening Episode 2: Seeds of decline The longevity of the Ottoman Khilafah was legendary. But the upheavals of...
African Dawn – Episode 21 – Conclusion
2019-06-04 A glorious legacy of over 350 years of Islam in South Africa: What are the key lessons we learn to ensure...
African Dawn Episode 20 – A heritage in danger
2019-06-03 Mention of their names evokes much historical nostalgia, but from sewage pollution to gentrification, the...
African Dawn Episode 19 -The roots of some important Muslim Institutions in SA
2019-05-31 DOWNLOAD
African Dawn Episode 18 – Muslims enter the Transvaal
2019-05-30 In pursuit of more lucrative business opportunities, Muslims began settling deeper inland in South Africa...
African Dawn Episode 17 – Other pioneering Ulama, Gandhi and Muslims, the Zanzibari Muslims
2019-05-29 DOWNLOAD
African Dawn Episode 16 – The Impact of Hazrat Soofie Saheb (RA)
2019-05-28 In 1895, Shaykh Hajee Shah Goolam Mohammed Soofie Siddiui Habibi, known commonly as Soofie Saheb arrived on...
African Dawn Episode 15 – The first Masaajid of Natal
2019-05-27 The story of the first Masaajid in Kwazulu Natal and the Muslim traders who were instrumental in...
African Dawn Episode 14 – The Arrival of Muslims in Natal
2019-05-24 Sugar and Spice.. In a way the story of the pursuit of these two ingredients is the story of how Muslims...
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