2019-05-22 An Ertugrul link to South Africa? Not exactly, but his Ottoman descendants certainly were no strangers to...
African Dawn Episode 11 – The Muslim roots of Afrikaans
2019-05-21 Was Afrikaans merely the language of white nationalism that was used to perpetuate Apartheid and...
African Dawn Episode 10 – Abu Bakr Effendi
2019-05-20 Today we pay tribute to another of our founding fathers - a most distinguished Aalim of Quraishi blood who...
African Dawn Episode 9 – Muslim community weakness and strength
2019-05-17 DOWNLOAD
African Dawn Episode 8 – How Islam was preserved: Madaaris and Adhkaar
2019-05-16 DOWNLOAD
African Dawn Episode 7 – How Islam was preserved: The role of Ulama and granting dignity to slaves
2019-05-15 There are many countries in the world where Muslims settled but after some time were completely swallowed...
African Dawn Episode 6 – Tuan Guru
2019-05-14 It really takes someone of special calibre to write 5 copies of the Qurans from memory - some of these...
African Dawn Episode 5 – The slave legacy
2019-05-13 The vast majority of South Africa's first Muslim community at the Cape were slaves. This episode...
African Dawn Episode 4 – Sheikh Yusuf of Macassar
2019-05-10 He is a household name, feted as the founding father of the Muslim community in South Africa, but how much...
African Dawn Episode 3 – Colonialism at the Cape
2019-05-09 Do we have colonialism to 'thank' for the establishment of Islam in South Africa? What brought European...
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