When was Ramadan, Islam’s holy month of fasting, first observed? And how have its practices changed? Here, Remona Aly...
What should you do if you being discriminated?
For many people, discrimination is an everyday reality. Discrimination is the unfair or prejudicial treatment of...
Ways to end discrimination
Ending discrimination requires a multifaceted approach involving individuals, communities, organizations, and...
What does Islam say about Discrimination?
In today’s world, racism has integrated itself into the core fabric of social structures that govern our modern day...
Zero Discrimination Day 01 March
On Zero Discrimination Day, 1 March, people celebrate the right of everyone to live a full and productive life—and...
Types of Justice
The arabis word of Justice is From the root ayn-dal-lam (ع د ل), which has the following classical Arabic...
World Day of Social Justice
Social Justice In Islam Social justice is a fundamental principle in Islam, deeply rooted in the teachings of the...
World Radio Day Timeline
1780 George Adams notices sparks An English scientist and scientific writer notices that sparks are initiated between...
Interesting facts about radio that you never know
The term "radio" is derived from the Latin word "radius This term signifies the wireless transmission of signals,...
How was World Radio Day formed
Following a request from the Spanish Radio Academy on September 20, 2010, Spain proposed that the UNESCO Executive...
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