The magnanimity of any event can be gauged from the preparation made for it and by the number of individuals involved...
I am the greatest
“I am a pious person”, “I make Tahajjud every day”, “I make a Khatam of the Noble Quraan every week” These are...
10 Destroyers of Good Actions
1. Shirk - Associating partners with Almighty Allah 2. Showing-off 3. Reminding others about your favours 4....
How To Soften Your Heart
This talk was presented at Masjid Raudhatul Islam, Roosevelt Park, Johannesburg on the 15th of Sha’ban 1445/ 25th...
Empathy: The Highest Human Quality
Empathy is the ability to emotionally understand (1)what other people are feeling, (2) see things from there point of...
Good Character
- Most weighty on the scales on the day of Qiymaah - Perfection of Imam - Pleasant countenance - Disseminating...
The Art of Active Listening
There is a difference between hearing & listening Listening is about being present, not just about being quiet....
How To Be Grateful
1) Bring to mind the bounties of Almighty Allah 2) Verbalize Gratitude 3) Look at those less fortunate 4) Utilize the...
Six Way To A Productive Holiday
1. Empathy 2. Value Time 3. Salaah On Time 4. Avoid Places of Vice 5. Daily Routine 6. Have Fun & Create Memories...
5 Causes of Hardness of the Heart
1) Eating Haraam/Doubtful Food 2) Sin 3) Not taking the name of Almighty Allah when eating 4) Love of this Dunya 5)...
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